среда, 15 июля 2015 г.

Visualization of unstructured grid data using evtk library (Python).


Today I had to visualize a spherical surface (made from triangles) as a part of my scientific project. In a past I always exported data into VTK files using the wonderful library, pyevtk [3], which easily constructs a complex XML files ParaView can draw.

Surprisingly, google got nothing on "evtk unstructured grid example", except for a link to an open bug [2]; Yandex got nothing either.

Taking file applied to the ticket (huge thanks to Maxim Grechkin [2]), I managed to figure out how to create valid unstructured grids with pyevtk. Below is the description of the technique.

Reproducing the bug

First of all we download the source code by Maxim. It is shown below (I put it in PEP8 compliant form and added few imports to satisfy missing dependencies):
 import numpy as np
 from evtk.vtk import VtkFile, VtkUnstructuredGrid, VtkTriangle
 from evtk.hl import pointsToVTK
 def dump_vtu_evtk(filename, x, y, faces, ux, uy):
     vec_speed = (ux, uy, np.zeros_like(ux))
     vertices = (x, y, np.zeros_like(x))
     w = VtkFile(filename, VtkUnstructuredGrid)
     w.openPiece(npoints=len(x), ncells=len(faces))
     w.openData("Cell", vectors="Velocity")
     w.addData("Velocity", vec_speed)
     w.addData("Points", vertices)
     ncells = len(faces)
     # index of last node in each cell
     offsets = np.arange(start=3, stop=3*(ncells + 1), step=3,
     print offsets, len(offsets)
     connectivity = faces.reshape(ncells*3).astype('int32') + 1
     print connectivity, len(connectivity)
     cell_types = np.empty(ncells, dtype='uint8')
     cell_types[:] = VtkTriangle.tid
     print cell_types, len(cell_types)

It is clear that the author assembles the file from low-level pieces using the core functions of the library (to manually create and attach different parts of VTK file).

We run the function with simple input data:
 arr = np.array
               x=arr([-1.0, 0, 1]), y=arr([+0.0, 1, 0]),
               ux=arr([0, 0, 1.0]), uy=arr([1, 1, 0.0]),
               faces=arr([[0, 1, 2]]))

File is created but ParaView isn't eager to open it:

Yes, it looks like a bug.

Now we force ourselves to read the entire bug ticket. Good news: another wonderful man, Panagiotis Mavrogiorgos, also did an attack on the problem and managed to build another invalid points.vtu which was generated using the refactored build of the library. After downloading the file and giving it to ParaView to sniff, we got another complain:

It is much better, there are no syntax errors but we miss some magic information about connectivity.

Good for us, the evtk comes with examples. The closest example to our problem (exporting unstructured grid) is the evtk.hl.pointsToVTK(...) function which exports valid file after some massage around data argument:
             x=arr([-1.0, 0, 1]), y=arr([0, 1.0, 0]), z=arr([0, 0, 0.0]),
             data={"rho": arr([1, 1, 1.0])})
Trying it. Yes, the file is valid and ParaView shown everything as it should be.

Like real detectives, we finally open both vtu-files in text editor to discover that the Maxim's file has no legs missing sections and unclosed XML tags in it.

Maxim's file with broken XML structure:
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <VTKFile byte_order="LittleEndian" version="0.1" type="UnstructuredGrid">
     <Piece NumberOfCells="1" NumberOfPoints="3">
       <CellData vectors="Velocity">
         <DataArray NumberOfComponents="3" offset="0" type="Float64"
                    Name="Velocity" format="appended"/>
         <DataArray NumberOfComponents="3" offset="76" type="Float64"
                    Name="Points" format="appended"/>

Time to figure out which XML parts we need to make ParaView happy, and how do we build it using evtk. Finally, we resort to power of the elders (RTFM) to get the full picture [1, page 11].

Indeed, we need to add three DataArray: connectivity, offset, and types into Cells section (which were present into valid file made by pyevtk). The structure of the file as it should be is shown below (... denotes truncated parts):

So we must add the export of metainformation into Maxim's functions, and put the real connectivity and offsets data into binary chunk at the tail of the file. That is the specs, after all.

Keeping one eye on the evtk.hl.pointsToVTK, we write:
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
 from evtk.vtk import VtkFile, VtkUnstructuredGrid, VtkTriangle, VtkVertex
 import numpy as np
 def _addDataToFile(vtkFile, cellData, pointData):
     # Point data
     if pointData is not None:
         keys = pointData.keys()
         vtkFile.openData("Point", scalars=keys[0])
         for key in keys:
             data = pointData[key]
             vtkFile.addData(key, data)
     # Cell data
     if cellData is not None:
         keys = cellData.keys()
         vtkFile.openData("Cell", scalars=keys[0])
         for key in keys:
             data = cellData[key]
             vtkFile.addData(key, data)
 def _appendDataToFile(vtkFile, cellData, pointData):
     # Append data to binary section
     if pointData is not None:
         keys = pointData.keys()
         for key in keys:
             data = pointData[key]
     if cellData is not None:
         keys = cellData.keys()
         for key in keys:
             data = cellData[key]
 def dump_vtu_evtk(filename, x, y, faces, vx, vy, point_data, cell_data):
     w = VtkFile(filename, VtkUnstructuredGrid)
     w.openPiece(npoints=len(x), ncells=len(faces))
     vertices = (x, y, np.zeros_like(x))
     w.addData("Points", vertices)
     # Create some temporary arrays to write grid topology ...
     # ... index of last node in each cell ...
     ncells = len(faces)
     # index of last node in each cell
     offsets = np.arange(start=3, stop=3*(ncells + 1), step=3, dtype='uint32')
     # ... unwinding our triangles into connectivity list.
     connectivity = faces.reshape(ncells*3).astype('int32')
     cell_types = np.ones(ncells, dtype='uint8')*VtkTriangle.tid
     w.addData("connectivity", connectivity)
     w.addData("offsets", offsets)
     w.addData("types", cell_types)
     _addDataToFile(w, cellData=cell_data, pointData=point_data)
     _appendDataToFile(w, cellData=cell_data, pointData=point_data)
     return w.getFileName()
 a = np.array
 dump_vtu_evtk("demo", x=a([-1.0, 0, 1]), y=a([0.0, 1, 0]),
               faces=a([[0.0, 1, 2]]), vx=a([1.0]), vy=a([1.0]),
               point_data={'T': a([1.0, 2, 3]),
                           'u': (a([0, 0, 1.0]),
                                 a([1, 1, 0.0]),
                                 a([0, 1, 1.0]))},
               cell_data={'rho': a([1]),
                          'v': (a([1.0]), a([2.0]), a([3.0]))})
It works!

To illustrate the whole deal, I wrote small tessellation routine to generate unstructured spherical grids composed from the triangles. Speaking shortly, we take base polyherdron and refine all faces to increase the accuracy (as shown below):

You can download the full source [4] or copy it from the appendix at the end (I keep source here in case of hosting troubles). What the reader really needs is the function triangle_faces_to_VTK.

The script makes datafile you can give to ParaView to see nice sphere with scalar and vector data (both point and cell data).

Hint: to visualize cell data vectors, do not forget to use "Cell To Point Data" filter.



Having to writing the same data in two places smells a bit, but it is the "VTK spec defined behavior" reinforced by the linear nature of the writing to ascii file: we have to write all headers and only after that we can write the data.

One can work around it by reserving some free space for the header, and testing the overlapping against data, but it is up to you, as always.

Good luck!


[1] VTK specs: http://www.vtk.org/VTK/img/file-formats.pdf
[2] Bug ticket in the pyevtk official repository: https://bitbucket.org/pauloh/pyevtk/issues/1/unstructured-grid-output-doesnt-work
[3] PyEVTK library to build VTK files from the Python code: https://bitbucket.org/pauloh/pyevtk
[4] The solution and demo of the method at work https://gist.github.com/dromanov/0fb8bacff5342a56a690

Appendix: full source code the example which exports point and cell data into VTK unstructured grid file.

The only valuable function is the triangle_faces_to_VTK function. The rest it the sphere tesselation code to generate the unstructured sphere mesh to export.
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from evtk.vtk import VtkFile, VtkUnstructuredGrid, VtkTriangle, VtkVertex
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
Each 'UnstructuredGrid' piece specifies a set of points and cells independently
from the other pieces. The points are described explicitly by the 'Points'
element. The cells are described explicitly by the 'Cells' element.
    <VTKFile type=”UnstructuredGrid” ...>
            <Piece NumberOfPoints=”#” NumberOfCells=”#”>
Every dataset describes the data associated with its points and cells with
'PointData' and 'CellData' XML elements as follows:
    <PointData Scalars=”Temperature” Vectors=”Velocity”>
        <DataArray Name=”Velocity” .../>
        <DataArray Name=”Temperature” .../>
        <DataArray Name=”Pressure” .../>
VTK allows an arbitrary number of data arrays to be associated with the points
and cells of a dataset. Each data array is described by a 'DataArray' element
which, among other things, gives each array a name. The following attributes of
'PointData' and 'CellData' are used to specify the active arrays by name:
    'Scalars' — The name of the active scalars array, if any.
    'Vectors' — The name of the active vectors array, if any.
    'Normals' — The name of the active normals array, if any.
    'Tensors' — The name of the active tensors array, if any.
    'TCoords' — The name of the active texture coordinates array, if any.
The 'Points' element explicitly defines coordinates for each point
individually. It contains one 'DataArray' element describing an array with
three components per value, each specifying the coordinates of one point.
        <DataArray NumberOfComponents=”3” .../>
The 'Coordinates' element defines point coordinates for an extent by specifying
the ordinate along each axis for each integer value in the extent’s range. It
contains three 'DataArray' elements describing the ordinates along the
x-y-z axes, respectively.
        <DataArray .../>
        <DataArray .../>
        <DataArray .../>
Verts, Lines, Strips, and Polys
The 'Verts', 'Lines', 'Strips', and 'Polys' elements define cells explicitly by
specifying point connectivity. Cell types are implicitly known by the type of
element in which they are specified. Each element contains two 'DataArray'
elements. The first array specifies the point connectivity. All the cells’
point lists are concatenated together. The second array specifies the offset
into the connectivity array for the end of each cell.
        <DataArray type=”Int32” Name=”connectivity” .../>
        <DataArray type=”Int32” Name=”offsets” .../>
The 'Cells' element defines cells explicitly by specifying point connectivity
and cell types. It contains three 'DataArray' elements. The first array
specifies the point connectivity. All the cells’ point lists are concatenated
together. The second array specifies the offset into the connectivity array
for the end of each cell. The third array specifies the type of each cell.
(Note: the cell types are defined in Figure 2 and Figure 3.)
        <DataArray type=”Int32” Name=”connectivity” .../>
        <DataArray type=”Int32” Name=”offsets” .../>
        <DataArray type=”UInt8” Name=”types” .../>
All of the data and geometry specifications use 'DataArray' elements to
describe their actual content as follows:
The 'DataArray' element stores a sequence of values of one type. There may be
one or more components per value.
    <DataArray type=”Float32” Name=”vectors” NumberOfComponents=”3”
               format=”appended” offset=”0”/>
    <DataArray type=”Float32” Name=”scalars” format=”binary”>
    <DataArray type=”Int32” Name=”offsets” format=”ascii”>
    10 20 30 ... </DataArray>
The attributes of the 'DataArray' elements are described as follows:
    type — The data type of a single component of the array. This is one of
           Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32,
           Note: the 64-bit integer types are only supported if
           VTK_USE_64BIT_IDS is on (a CMake variable—see “CMake” on page 8) or
           the platform is 64-bit.
    Name — The name of the array. This is usually a brief description of the
           data stored in the array.
    NumberOfComponents — The number of components per value in the array.
    format — The means by which the data values themselves are stored in the
             file. This is “ascii”, “binary”, or “appended”.
    offset — If the format attribute is “appended”, this specifies the offset
             from the beginning of the appended data section to the beginning
             of this array’s data.
The format attribute chooses among the three ways in which data values can be
    format=”ascii” — The data are listed in ASCII directly inside the DataArray
                     element. Whitespace is used for separation.
    format=”binary” — The data are encoded in base64 and listed contiguously
                      inside the DataArray element.
                      Data may also be compressed before encoding in base64.
                      The byte-order of the data matches that specified by
                      the byte_order attribute of the 'VTKFile' element.
    format=”appended” — The data are stored in the appended data section.
                        Since many 'DataArray' elements may store their data in
                        this section, the 'offset' attribute is used to specify
                        where each DataArray’s data begins.
This format ("appended") is the default used by VTK’s writers.
The appended data section is stored in an 'AppendedData' element that is nested
inside 'VTKFile' after the dataset element:
<VTKFile ...>
    <AppendedData encoding=”base64”>
The appended data section begins with the first character after the underscore
inside the AppendedData element. The underscore is not part of the data, but is
always present. Data in this section is always in binary form, but can be
compressed and/or base64 encoded. The byte-order of the data matches that
specified by the byte_order attribute of the 'VTKFile' element. Each
DataArray’s data are stored contiguously and appended immediately after the
previous DataArray’s data without a separator. The DataArray’s offset attribute
indicates the file position offset from the first character after the
underscore to the beginning its data.
# These two functions are taken from original 'evtk.hl' module without changes.
def _addDataToFile(vtkFile, cellData, pointData):
    # Point data
    if pointData is not None:
        keys = pointData.keys()
        vtkFile.openData("Point", scalars=keys[0])
        for key in keys:
            data = pointData[key]
            vtkFile.addData(key, data)
    # Cell data
    if cellData is not None:
        keys = cellData.keys()
        vtkFile.openData("Cell", scalars=keys[0])
        for key in keys:
            data = cellData[key]
            vtkFile.addData(key, data)
def _appendDataToFile(vtkFile, cellData, pointData):
    # Append data to binary section
    if pointData is not None:
        keys = pointData.keys()
        for key in keys:
            data = pointData[key]
    if cellData is not None:
        keys = cellData.keys()
        for key in keys:
            data = cellData[key]
def triangle_faces_to_VTK(filename, x, y, z, faces, point_data, cell_data):
    vertices = (x, y, z)
    w = VtkFile(filename, VtkUnstructuredGrid)
    w.openPiece(npoints=len(x), ncells=len(faces))
    w.addData("Points", vertices)
    # Create some temporary arrays to write grid topology.
    ncells = len(faces)
    # Index of last node in each cell.
    offsets = np.arange(start=3, stop=3*(ncells + 1), step=3, dtype='uint32')
    # Connectivity as unrolled array.
    connectivity = faces.reshape(ncells*3).astype('int32')
    cell_types = np.ones(ncells, dtype='uint8')*VtkTriangle.tid
    w.addData("connectivity", connectivity)
    w.addData("offsets", offsets)
    w.addData("types", cell_types)
    _addDataToFile(w, cellData=cell_data, pointData=point_data)
    _appendDataToFile(w, cellData=cell_data, pointData=point_data)
    return w.getFileName()
def pointsToVTK(path, x, y, z, data):
        Export points and associated data as an unstructured grid.
            path: name of the file without extension where data to be saved.
            x, y, z: 1D arrays with coordinates of the points.
            data: dictionary {'varname': data_array} of point-data to export.
            Full path to saved file.
    assert (x.size == y.size == z.size)
    npoints = x.size
    # Create some temporary arrays to write grid topology ...
    # ... index of last node in each cell ...
    offsets = np.arange(start=1, stop=npoints + 1, dtype='int32')
    # ... unwinding our triangles into connectivity list.
    connectivity = np.arange(npoints, dtype='int32')
    cell_types = np.empty(npoints, dtype='uint8')
    cell_types[:] = VtkVertex.tid
    w = VtkFile(path, VtkUnstructuredGrid)
    w.openPiece(ncells=npoints, npoints=npoints)
    w.addData("points", (x, y, z))
    w.addData("connectivity", connectivity)
    w.addData("offsets", offsets)
    w.addData("types", cell_types)
    _addDataToFile(w, cellData=None, pointData=data)
    w.appendData((x, y, z))
    _appendDataToFile(w, cellData=None, pointData=data)
    return w.getFileName()
class Level:
    """Approximation of the spherical surface made from triangles.
    It support refinement of the surface to increase detalization uniformly by
    decreasing face size 4 times on each step. Enumeration of vertices within
    face is shown below together with the numbers of new vertices introduced
    during refinement:
                2                                           2
                *                                           *
               / \                       .                 / \
              /   \                      |\               /   \
             /     \           +---------+ \           5 /     \ 4
            /       \          |            *           *-------*
           /         \         +---------+ /           / \     / \
          /           \                  |/           /   \   /   \
         /             \                 "           /     \ /     \
        *---------------*                           *-------*-------*
      0                  1                        0         3        1
    def __init__(self, faces, vertices):
        self.faces = faces
        self.vertices = vertices
    def refine(self):
        """Returns level with better sampling."""
        cache = {}
        vert = deepcopy(self.vertices)
        def _(i, j):
            '''Makes cached middle vertex and returns its index.'''
            ij = tuple(sorted([i, j]))
            if ij not in cache:
                pos = len(vert)
                v = 0.5*(vert[i] + vert[j])
                vert.append(v/np.sqrt(np.inner(v, v)))
                cache[ij] = pos
            return cache[ij]
        f_pos = 0
        face = np.zeros([4*len(self.faces), 3], int)
        for f in self.faces:
            i, j, k = f
            face[f_pos+0, :] = [  i,     _(i, j), _(i, k)]
            face[f_pos+1, :] = [_(i, j),   j,     _(j, k)]
            face[f_pos+2, :] = [_(i, j), _(j, k), _(i, k)]
            face[f_pos+3, :] = [  k,     _(i, k), _(j, k)]
            f_pos += 4
        return Level(face, vert)
class Polyhedron:
    def __init__(self, level=3, base="tetrahedron"):
        """Creates set of normals."""
        assert level in range(1, 8), "bad level: %s" % level
        if base == "tetrahedron":
            s = 1.0/np.sqrt(3.0);
            verts = [[ s,  s,  s], [-s, -s,  s],
                     [-s,  s, -s], [ s, -s, -s]]
            faces = [[0, 2, 1], [0, 1, 3], [2, 3, 1], [3, 2, 0]]
        elif base == "octahedron":
            verts = [[ 0.0,  0.0, -1.0], [ 1.0,  0.0,  0.0],
                     [ 0.0, -1.0,  0.0], [-1.0,  0.0,  0.0],
                     [ 0.0,  1.0,  0.0], [ 0.0,  0.0,  1.0] ]
            faces = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 2, 3], [0, 3, 4], [0, 4, 1],
                     [5, 2, 1], [5, 3, 2], [5, 4, 3], [5, 1, 4]]
        elif base == "icosahedron":
            t = (1 + np.sqrt(5))/2
            tau = t/np.sqrt(1 + t*t)
            one = 1/np.sqrt(1 + t*t)
            verts = [[ tau,  one,  0.0], [-tau,  one,  0.0],
                     [-tau, -one,  0.0], [ tau, -one,  0.0],
                     [ one,  0.0,  tau], [ one,  0.0, -tau],
                     [-one,  0.0, -tau], [-one,  0.0,  tau],
                     [ 0.0,  tau,  one], [ 0.0, -tau,  one],
                     [ 0.0, -tau, -one], [ 0.0,  tau, -one]]
            faces = [[4, 8, 7], [4, 7, 9], [5, 6, 11], [5, 10, 6],
                     [0, 4, 3], [0, 3, 5], [2, 7, 1], [2, 1, 6],
                     [8, 0, 11], [8, 11, 1], [9, 10, 3], [9, 2, 10],
                     [8, 4, 0], [11, 0, 5], [4, 9, 3], [5, 3, 10],
                     [7, 8, 1], [6, 1, 11], [7, 2, 9], [6, 10, 2]]
            raise ValueError("unknown base figure: " + str(base))
        self.level = level
        self.base = base
        self.tree = [Level(faces=faces, vertices=[np.array(v) for v in verts])]
        for l in range(1, level + 1):
    def get_approximation(self, n):
        return self.tree[n].faces, self.tree[n].vertices
# import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
arr = np.array
sphere = Polyhedron(level=3, base="icosahedron")
faces, vertices = sphere.get_approximation(3)
x = arr([v[0] for v in vertices])
y = arr([v[1] for v in vertices])
z = arr([v[2] for v in vertices])
cell_scalar = arr([x[i] + x[j] + x[k] for i, j, k in faces])
                      x=x, y=y, z=z,
                      point_data={'s': x*x + y*y,
                                  'n': (x, y, z),
                                  'v': (-y, x, -np.sin(np.arccos(-1.0)*z))},
                      cell_data={'rho': cell_scalar})
            x, y, z,
            {"rho": x*x + y*y})

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